
  • How to Install the Maxmind GeoIP2 Database and PHP API

    A couple of years ago I posted “Blazing Geo Lookups! How To Install Maxmind PHP Extension on Your Server” which detailed how to get the Maxmind’s GeoIP database setup on your server. Since then, Maxmind has updated their database format to “GeoIP2”.  This new format is supposed to be better/faster, etc. Sounds great. But the…

  • Blazing Geo Lookups! How To Install Maxmind PHP Extension on Your Server

    So there other day, while getting a burst of PPV traffic, I tried to load my landing page and it crapped out. More specifically, the page sort of half loaded then stopped. It turns out, the free maxmind javascript code that I was so fond of was hanging up my whole page. The maxmind server…

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