Short and sweet, here is a list of just the essentials: Live Http Headers This extension is definitely bad ass. Once you turn it, it lets you see all the headers your browser sees as you visit sites and click on links. Why should you care? Because it lets you do a little reverse engineering…
Affiliate Marketing Newbie Guide
Since there is no point in rehashing this and I’ve already read a ton of shit, let me help you out. There are quite a few newbie guides available, but only a couple of them are worth reading. #1 Nicky Cakes Newbie Guide Irreverent in the usual Cakes style, it’s a fun read. The downside…
State of the Tard, September 2009
For my very first post it seems appropriate to bring my [future] readers up to speed on what I have been doing and what I will be doing with regard to affiliate marketing. A few years ago, a friend of mine told me about “net income”, Shoemoney’s webmaster radio show. After listening to some of…