There a bunch of marketers who live in San Diego, and that makes it even more sad that our Meetup202’s are almost non-existent. Hopefully, things are turning around for the better.
This is the second meetup being organized by Internet Dynamix. They are a San Diego based affiliate network and have been around for awhile. Last year, they organized the first 202 meetup. It was really small and held in a little yogurt shop downtown. But like most meetups, whether they are Meetup202’s or full-blown Affiliate Summits, they are what you make of them.
Back then, Internet Dynamix was called Pinnacle Dream Media, and I had never heard of them. Since the turnout was so small (I’m talking like 12 people) I was able to chat with a few guys from PDM. I ended up signing up with their network and had a couple of profitable campaigns. The point is, if I hadn’t gone, I never would have made that money.
Another conversation I had was with a guy who’s well known in the industry. I had no idea who he was until someone else told me. But we talked about PPV and some offers. After a few minutes, I could tell he was way more experienced than I was. Because of this, I decided I had no “secret” campaigns, that he didn’t already know about. I actually started mentioning a campaign I was running along with some specifics. This is, obviously, something I don’t usually do. But after I did, the conversation got WAY more interesting. As soon as I shared, he shared back and I got some pretty good ideas. But I would say besides the tips, I think the most important thing was that light bulb going off in my head. Sharing can be very beneficial.
So back to the upcoming meetup. This looks like the first “real” Meetup202 in San Diego. The speaker line up looks pretty good and the venue is pretty nice. Seau’s is a cool sports bar & grill and it should be a good time. I hope to see you guys there.
Meetup202 San Diego, Saturday, July 16, 2011 – 12:00 PM
WHERE: Seau’s in Mission Valley Mall, San Diego
Zon Lai – Adtack Media
An accomplished affiliates perspective of running Facebook dating.
Micael Cojanu –
The latest online advertising data tool, and Mike will be giving us all a demonstration.
Q&A Panel:
We have knowledgeable individuals on the panel representing Advertisers, Social and PPV media buyers. This is your chance to ask anything you want.
Valentino Vaschetto – Internet Dynamix
Valentino has been involved in online marketing for the last 8 years. In recent time he has become very successful dedicated his media buying towards Pay Per View marketing.
Stephan Goss – Ad Social
Stephan has been involved in online marketing for the last 4 years. His major successes were within social marketing and the executive decision was made to focus on social full time.
Matt Marcin – Zeeto Group
Matt has been involved in online marketing for over 6 years. Over the past 2 years he has transitioned from an affiliate into a lead generation advertiser.
don’t forget the free beer. lol
What was I thinking? This gross omission has now been corrected.
I’m a noob, do they accept newbies at this meeting? I want to go so bad since I live in San Diego 🙁
Yeah for sure, everyone is welcome. There have been n00bs at almost every Meetup202 I’ve attended. If you keep your ears open and ask good questions you can learn a lot. Everyone was new at one some point.
Thanks for reading!
Damn, I recently moved to OC so will definitely start attending these. Unfortunately I’ll be in LA this weekend though.
Cool man. I go to the OC meetups myself, when they have them.
Nice speaking with you at the penthouse CTRTard, 150% moving to SD now hehe
It was good talking to you too man! It’s cool you’re moving down. I’m sure you’ll dig it.